
URZ7000 Guillotine

This year, our URZ 7000 guillotine has already successfully worked 116,000 m2 within the upgrading of the D1 & D2…

URZ7000 Guillotine

Production of a modernized guillotine type URZ7000 has been completed and the machine has been successfully used for the first time on the D1 motorway in the Czech Republic.


Our company (DAVON) sponsors selected charity, social and sports events.


Type RK7167 is currently our largest rock-breaker machine and was supplied to a quarry in Chile in November 2016.
© Copyright 2024 DAVON s.r.o.
DAVON s.r.o. | Sumperska 1353 | 783 91 Unicov | Czech Republic
Products +420585004535 | Engineering production: +420585004543

We need to know some information

What material do you mine?*
What is the elevation at the site of installation?*
What are the temperatures at the site of installation?*
Is the site of installation considered an explosive environment?