New devices for clients in Romania

We recently delivered two new devices to our clients in Romania.

We have developed and produced a device based on a hopper system, which is used to release bulk material inside railcars.

The attached photo is from the installation site at our Romanian customer’s facility.

Another RK3 series rockbreaker reliably serves our Romanian customer in crushing extracted materials in their quarry. For this project, we designed a smaller device with a steel support column of appropriate height, thus ensuring optimal reach of the arm for effective breaking of extracted material. řady RK3 spolehlivě slouží v lomu našemu rumunskému zákazníkovi v drcení těženého materiálu.
Pro tento projekt jsme navrhli menší zařízení s ocelovým podpůrným sloupem odpovídající výšky.
Tímto jsme zajistili optimální dosah ramene pro efektivní rozbíjení těženého materiálu.

© Copyright 2024 DAVON s.r.o.
DAVON s.r.o. | Sumperska 1353 | 783 91 Unicov | Czech Republic

We need to know some information

What material do you mine?*
What is the elevation at the site of installation?*
What are the temperatures at the site of installation?*
Is the site of installation considered an explosive environment?