Unser Ziel war es, unser Unternehmen Vertretern der afghanischen Regierung, insbesondere dem Minister für Bodenschätze und Erdöl Haroon Chakhansuri, vorzustellen und Kontakte zu knüpfen potenzielle afghanische Kunden, denen wir unsere Ausrüstung anbieten könnten.
The meeting also offered an opportunity to meet representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and representatives of Czech companies and share the contacts with each other.
Monday's programme (14.6.2021) took place in the morning at the Ministry of Industry and Trade with speeches by the Ministers of the Afghan Government and the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Industry and Trade and the Minister of Transport of the Czech Government, Karel Havlíček. The afternoon programme took place at the Hilton Hotel with a presentation of Czech companies to representatives of the Afghan government.
Tuesday's programme (14.6.2021) was personally opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jakub Kulhánek. This was followed by a panel discussion with the Minister of Mineral Resources and Petroleum Industry Haroon Chakhansuri, his deputy and representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
From the positive reactions of the Afghan minister, we are convinced that our products can find a place in this country.
Afghanistan is a country with enormous mineral wealth and potential, but its development has been hampered by an unsatisfactory security situation caused by war conflicts for long time.
However, we believe that this will change one day and Afghanistan will be a safe country for its own citizens and also for investors and suppliers like DAVON. DAVON.